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NRSG370 Assessment Answers Case Study On Clinical Reasoning Cycle

Mar 13,23


Discuss about the NRSG370 Case Study on Clinical Reasoning Cycle.



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Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

Discussion. 3

Conclusion. 5

Reference List 6



This answer discusses the NRSDG370 case study on clinical reasoning cycles. In the nursing career their work is to look carefully at the patients. It’s important to work on their projections. The nurses’ departments also need to make a perfect plan for the patients’ care and their individual work. These systems train the natures and give them an understanding of their condition and their process. In this case, the patient’s name Mrs. Connie brownstone is admitted at the hospital and its case is demanded of the patients. The answers describe the doctors and nurses’ work and hard work. Their responsibilities for their patients are discussed below.


The clinical reasoning cycle system gives the nurse training about their responsibilities. Nurse has many responsibilities in their professions. There are some of the responsibilities and their training is discussed below:

Consider the patient’s situation: This case study reported that the patient’s name Mrs. Connie Brownstone is admitted to the hospital due to her health issues in the emergency departments. She is 94 years old and her daughter helps her to admit her (Gummesson, Sundén & Fex, 2018). The patient’s name Mrs. Connie Brownstone is suffering from her shortage of breath and it was not cured by the medicines. The causes also try to provide her better services for their better responses.

Collecting information: The doctors help the nurses to provide individual care systems for their patients. Collecting the take care issues are the most vital part of the customer care planning procedure. The doctors also provide better patient care procedures for their present responses. It helps the nurses to identify the patient histories, details, health issues, patient care, medical assessments, health results and many more information (Rutter & Harrison, 2020). After receiving that information about Mrs. Connie Brownstone the nurses find that the patients have asthma problems. She was also admitted to the hospitalised on two dates because of her asthma problem. The information also provides that he has a dust and pollen allergy that some time she faces asthma starts. The physical assessment’s data also identify that Mrs. Connie Brownstone has Dyspnoea, audible expiratory wheezes and she is also suffering from extreme anxiety. During the nursing assessments, her oxygen rate and her blood pass rate also decreases and it’s also indicated as the abnormal ABG result.

Process information: The nurses also try to take steps to provide their patients with better services. The doctors and the nurses try to step-by-step prosediours of inferring, discriminating, relating, matching, interpreting and that investigation are results as the petitions evidence (Leoni‐Scheiber, Mayer & Müller‐Staub, 2019). At that time the patient suffered from a respiratory infection due to abnormal investigation results. The normal respiratory rate is 11 to 19 minutes for adults. The patient Mrs. Connie Brownstone almost doubles her respiratory rates. It also dropped at 89 percent and her oxygen levels also fell. Her head beat level is processing at 125bmp and her blood pressures are also 120/80 mmHg. The respiratory rates decrease the oxygen rates on her body (Gummesson, Sundén & Fex, 2018). It creates an oxygen demand for her body and also reduces the blood pressure rate in her body. Her ABG indicates the high blood pressure rates in her body and it offers her head. This situation also leads to hyper-inflation on the patient’s chest and her wheezing also identifies the sing of the bronchial constriction.

Figure 1: Clinical reasoning cycle nursing

Source: (Petrasek et al., 2021)

Create a new learning process: This clinical reasoning cycle process gives the nurse a new learning process about their profession. They also understand their responsibilities and their work. This process identifies the patient’s needs and their health systems. This procedure of the clinical reasoning cycles helps the nurses to identify the patient’s health reports and their health results (Rutter & Harrison, 2020). This case also describes the patient in her 94 years old and her name is Mrs. Connie Brownstone. It describes how much the process helps the nurses to understand the patient’s health.

Identify the issues and care the patient needs: This clinical reasoning cycle helps the nurse to identify the patient’s need for their health care. This process and the cycles help the nurse to understand Mrs. Connie Brownstone’s health needs and what types of care she needs for her health. In her case, she needs emergency services for her recovery. In health care services the nurses need to know about the synthesis facts (Kim et al., 2018). In her case, the nurse finds their result about her health and they know about her heartbeat is increasing. So the nurses find proved our for her to maintain her health beat. Her blood pressures are also in creating so the sources also take procedures to reduce those (Monagle et al., 2018). However, the heartbeat increase indicated the emergency services for her conditions.

Achieve their goals: This clinical reasoning cycle helps the nurses to find about the customer’s health results. It helps the health care departments to take perfect steps to help their patients. It provides for girls for the healthcare departments (Monagle et al., 2018). The recovery procedures help the patients to find their recovery. Their action-taking plan helps those patients to recover soon and create perfect health. It can create perfect services for emergency patients and also normal patients.


After analysis of this answer, it has been concluded that the clinical reasoning cycles are important for doctors and the natures. It helps them to identify the patient report, background, health report, provides health information and many more. This clinical reasoning cycle helps the parents to become effective and healthy. The different types of processors are already described in the answers. This answer also describes the patient in her 94 years old and her name is Mrs. Connie Brownstone. In her case, the clinical reasoning cycle helps the nerves to identify the information about her health and her background. The clinical reasoning cycle’s process also helps the nursing systems and the professions.

Reference List

Gummesson, C., Sundén, A., & Fex, A. (2018). Clinical reasoning as a conceptual framework for interprofessional learning: a literature review and a case study. Physical Therapy Reviews, 23(1), 29-34. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10833196.2018.1450327

Rutter, P. M., & Harrison, T. (2020). Differential diagnosis in pharmacy practice: Time to adopt clinical reasoning and decision making. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 16(10), 1483-1486. Rectived from: https://pure.port.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/19742723/Differential_diagnosis.pdf

Leoni‐Scheiber, C., Mayer, H., & Müller‐Staub, M. (2019). Measuring the effects of guided clinical reasoning on the Advanced Nursing Process quality, on nurses’ knowledge and attitude: Study protocol. Nursing open, 6(3), 1269-1280. DOI: 10.1002/nop2.299

Kim, Y. H., Min, J., Kim, S. H., & Shin, S. (2018). Effects of a work-based critical reflection program for novice nurses. BMC medical education, 18(1), 1-6. Rectived from: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12909-018-1135-0

Monagle, J. L., Lasater, K., Stoyles, S., & Dieckmann, N. (2018). New graduate nurse experiences in clinical judgment: What academic and practice educators need to know. Nursing education perspectives, 39(4), 201-207. DOI: 10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000336

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