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BSBPMG411 Apply Project Quality Management Techniques System

Mar 13,23


1 What criteria can be used to determine quality requirements?
2 Who or what are project stakeholders?
3 Explain stakeholder expectations in relation to project quality management.
4 What are the quality management processes?
5 What are project deliverables?
6 Explain the relationship between quality criteria and project deliverables.
7 What information might be necessary to interpret a quality policy or procedure?
8 What is quality planning?
9 Who is responsible for the quality of the project deliverables?
10 Explain why quality is prevention-driven.
11 How would you describe design of experiments?
12 What are the main areas that quality management should focus on?




1 What criteria can be used to determine quality requirements?

To determine the quality requirement of the products it is important to ascertain the following requirements:

  • Reliability

The performance of the product in the real world scenario must be known. For instance, the drum designed for the sound must have 200,000 strikes

  • Consistency

The units must have consistency or be internally consistent. For instance, the products must have the same functions and strait altogether.

  • Customer experience

The approach to business must have a complete focus on the customer satisfaction. Customer experience helps in taking the business to another level.

2 Who or what are project stakeholders?

Project stakeholders are single individuals or total organization who is influenced by the execution or the project result. It is irrelevant whether the project impacts them in a positive or a negative manner. Key project stakeholders have the influence as well as authority to dictate whether the project is a success or not (Karlsen 2002). Such are the group or people where the objectives should be satisfied and have the power to make or break the task. Even if the deliverables are perfect and budgets are met, if the stakeholders are not happy the project will not be considered as a success.

3 Explain stakeholder expectations in relation to project quality management.

The stakeholder expectation process is the initial process within the engine of SE that lays the foundation from where the system is structured and the realization of the product happens. The chief aim of the process is to trace who are the stakeholders and how do they intend to utilize the product. This is mainly done with the help of case scenarios and even referred to as the Design Reference Mission. The expectation can be managed through engagement from the beginning, management of the project team expectations, and defining the engagement level.

4 What are the quality management processes?

The four major quality management processes are:

Quality planning

It ascertains which quality standard is important and provide guidance to the stakeholders on how the quality management will be performed. It comprises of the stakeholder expectations, criteria of success and applicable standards (Eskerod & Huemann 2013)

Quality assurance

Quality reviews can be referred as a prime tool for the quality assurance however can be used for quality control. The manner in which they will be dealt is provided in the Quality plan.

Quality control

Quality control comprises of inspection, testing and measurement of quality that verifies the ability of the project to conform to the standards, specification and expectation of the stakeholder.

Continuous improvement

There might be opportunities to enhance the processes of management during the project life that helps in assistance of the future projects. The regular approaches comprises of ISO 900, TQM and Six Sigma.

5 What are project deliverables?

Projects leads to deliverables that can simply be defined as the project result or the project processes. This indicates that the deliverable can be something as the aim of the project or the reporting of a larger project. Moreover, project deliverables are the outputs like the project plans, report and meeting minutes (Eskerod & Huemann 2013). For instance, when it comes to project focus on the upgradation of the firms technology the deliverable might be referred to the acquisition of various computers.

6 Explain the relationship between quality criteria and project deliverables.

The quality criteria undertakes the internal process and traits of the product that needs to be assesses all throughout the life cycle of the project. The documentation of the quality factors is being done regarding the project deliverables to ascertain whether the project meets the customer expectation. if the expectation are meet and adhered to, then the goal of the company is accomplished. Ensuring the deliverables enables the company to focus on the quality criteria which in turn leads to better output.

7 What information might be necessary to interpret a quality policy or procedure?

The quality process or procedure is based on the premise of corporate objectives and value and should be apt to the purpose, as well as the organizational pretext. The demonstration of the policy must be on the process of continual enhancement. The nine major elements of the QMS should comprise of quality objectives, a quality manual, responsibilities of the organization and other practices.

8 What is quality planning?

Quality planning can be defined as a methodology that can be utilized when a condition projects one or more of the defined characteristics that is: a service never happened before, requirements of the customer unknown. Quality planning is vital as the ignorance of the same makes it difficult to deliver the project in a successful manner (Karlsen 2002). Before the project execution, the project manager establishes the standard to meet so that the project can attain success.

9 Who is responsible for the quality of the project deliverables?

The project team or the individuals that completes the project work is entrusted with the responsibility for meeting the project deliverables. In a common parlance, the project might have specific role for the quality experts. The project team is stated as the interdependent collection of individuals that work towards a common goal and the responsibility are shared for particular outcomes of the organization.

  • Explain why quality is prevention-driven.

Quality is prevention driven as it ensures that the project is done correctly at the correct point of time. It helps in preventing mistake, rework, corrective action and a breakdown of quality within the deliverables of the project. Hence, this leads to the assurance strategy of the prevention vs. detection. The initial phase is the act of prevention that is non conforming to the products and services. It helps in driving the quality and thereby enhancing the processes.

  • How would you describe design of experiments?

Design of experiment (DOE) can be defined as the branch of applied statistics that deals with the process of planning, conducting and interpretation of the controlled test for the evaluation of the factors that control the parameter value. DOE is a potent data collection and evaluation tool that can be used in situation of experimentation. Moreover, it enables for multiple factor of input that needs to be manipulated and determines the impact on the desired response (Famiyeh 2017). Through manipulation of the multiple inputs at the correct time, DOE can trace vital interactions that might be missed when it needs to be experimented at the time. All possible combination can be evaluated or possible combination can be traced. DOE is used to ascertain whether a factor or collection of factor has an impact on the response. It helps in determination whether factors interact in tune to the response.

  • What are the main areas that quality management should focus on?

Quality control planning

The initial step of the quality management is planning. The goals should be identified and the baseline must be ascertained. The quality standards followed by the need to meet the standard must be determined (Famiyeh 2017).

Quality control

This is the process where the physical inspection and testing happens to ensure that the planning is obtained. It needs to be confirmed that all the standards must be in place and identify all the errors that is required to be corrected. The faster the error are traced the better for the company.

Quality Assurance

Quality control consists of inspection of the actual products or services and the review of the services. Through the inspection of the goods or services, the mistakes can be traced before the customer reaches.

Quality improvement

After completion of the quality control process, the review of the finding must be thoroughly reviewed and enhance the methods. Quality control management is of no avail if not willing to undertake necessary changes. Quality improvement is the structure that is used to enhance the level of care. Quality improvement seeks to streamline the process and structure for the reduction of the variation, attainment of the predictable result and enhance the outcomes, healthcare system and other organization.


Eskerod, P & Huemann, M. (2013). Sustainable development and project stakeholder management: What standards say. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 6(1), 36-50. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/17538371311291017

Famiyeh, S. (2017). Socially responsible mining using project stakeholder identification and management: An exploratory study. Journal of Global Responsibility, 8(2), 151-168. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JGR-10-2016-0026

Karlsen, J. T. (2002). Project stakeholder management: EMJ. Engineering Management Journal, 14(4), 19-24. Retrieved from https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/project-stakeholder-management/docview/208967981/se-2?accountid=30552

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