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Guidelines to Prepare a Good Marketing Research Report

Nov 11,17

Marketing Research Report

A research proposal or report is a high form of structured documentation that encompasses an oral or written presentation to management describing a research project’s purposes, procedure, conclusions, and endorsements. Stereotypically, written lab reports have more depth and insight as compared to an oral report.

While talking about a marketing research report, it is an essential part of planning a business and it facilitates as an organized way to collate information with regards to the market trends or knowledge about a potential client. Such a precise document requires the highest form of writing ethics and should be concise. In order to achieve such feet, professional assignment writing services such as marketing assignment help can relieve you greatly by writing a sophisticated and professional documentary piece.

While you could use the help of professional research paper help services for writing a research report, you could also manage to do it on your own. With a bit of conviction and some handy guides on how to write a good report, you may just get the document the way you desire. Presenting below are some standard guidelines that need to be followed in order to achieve an all-inclusive marketing report.

Also Read: Executive Summary Examples – How to Write an Executive Summary?

How to Write a Marketing Report?

Firstly, one has to gain a clear understanding that the marketing report is made in order to accomplish the following objectives.

  • Deliberate the important points of a precise, concise and complete research report.
  • Sketch the elements of an Executive Summary.
  • Describe the resolve of the Executive Summary.
  • Understand the different types of charts and tables that are used in research reports

The Template

research report

A basic research report comprises three parts; an Introduction, the Body and finally the Appendices.

The Introduction consists of a Title Page, Transmittal letter, Authorization Letter, Table of Contents and the Executive Summary.

The Body comprises of the introduction, background, methodology, findings, and limitations of the study, conclusions, and Recommendations.

Finally, the Appendices will contain Questionnaires, Data tables, calculations, bibliography.

An Overview

This being the opening section of your report, your job is to outline the background problem that you wish to find a solution to. You need to add the situation and the circumstance that has got you to write the report in the first place. The overview should be precise and should not exceed more than 200 words.


This is the most important section of the report. This section emphasizes the purpose of creating this report. The objectives should be strictly be stated in point format. Attempt to describe 3 to 5 objectives of your marketing report. These 3 or 5 points shall then be the basis that the report will revolve around.

Directed Audience

To get the maximum yield of your report is only generated if the reports are targeted to a specific audience. This audience should be familiarized with similar interests. This will help grab more eyeballs. The target audience should be based on demographics, psychographics, life stages, and company/ product interaction

Performing Situational Examination

When performing an analysis, there should be a fine balance that should be maintained between the consumer and the surveying of the company. There exist two forms of analysis; internal and external. This analysis can be performed using tools like SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) or PESTEL (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Ethical and Legal Analysis). These tools are great identifiers that help organizations to identify what gives them a competitive edge over others.

Methods for Research

Include the best suitable research that will help you prepare the report. Be innovative. Do not hesitate you use an off-beat path to arrive at conclusions. The important thing about the report is that the data present in the report should cover all aspects and should be inexhaustible. Some of the experts who offer to provide services especially MBA assignment help, ensure that their research methods are extremely sharp. This makes your report a lot more noteworthy.

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Presenting a Consolidated Budget

marketing report

Budgeting is the most complex aspect of a marketing report. Ensure that you do all your calculations in the most efficient manner. Tabulating the budget systematically and breaking it down to a simpler calculation can make the report rather strong and more convincing.

Including Timeline Charts

Every marketing project should have an estimated timeline. Ensure that your report has a chart included that show the milestones you can achieve and what are the tasks that can be completed on a regular basis. A chart like GANTT or PERT can be used to display data based upon the need of the project.

Establishing an Effective Marketing Strategy

A marketing report will hold of great value only if you can devise a great marketing strategy. The marketing strategy should be mainly based on Product, Price, Promotion, and Place. All these areas should be well defined and justified. Doing this will add more value to the report and will enable to create that business interest in a reader.

Writing a comprehensive market report is a challenging task. But if the rules are followed and the procedures are understood, it will be an enjoyable experience to write the report. Remember you need to be passionate about the marketing aspect of the business. The report should be well rounded and should make the reader think outside the box and should be able to influence their thought process. Once you have achieved these points, one could say that the resultant marketing research report has served its purpose.

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November 11, 2017

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